原文:Crazy Stats From Last Night's Braves-Phillies Game
- It was the highest-scoring extra-inning game in the Major Leagues since 2006.
- 兩隊總得28分是從2006年以來打進延長賽比賽的最高紀錄
- It was the highest-scoring extra-inning game in the National League since July 4, 1985, when the Metsoutlasted the Braves, 16-13, in 19 innings.
- 承上,28分也是國聯自1985美國國慶以來的新高,當時梅子跟斧軍大戰19局以16-13勝出。
- The only other major-league team in the past 30 years that won a game after rallying from a deficit of at least six runs and overcoming a separate disadvantage of four or more runs was the 1997Mariners, in a 12-11 victory against the Rockies.
- 過去30年以來另一支單場落後6分以上,包括兩度落後至少4分,最後逆轉的是97年的水兵,對手是洛磯。(Box)
- The last team to lose an 11+ inning game while scoring 13+ was the 116-win 2001 Mariners.
- 最近單場幹了至少13分最後卻在11局之後輸球的是2001年的水兵。
- The last team to win in 11+ innings while scoring 13+ was managed by... Charlie Manuel, tonight's losing manager.
- 承上,最近單場幹了至少13分最後在11局之後贏球的GM是Charlie Manuel。
- This was the Braves' 4th win since 1918 when allowing 13+ runs, and the 2nd in the last 60 years.
- 這是斧軍自1918年後單場得了至少13分比賽的第四場勝利,也是過去60年來的第二勝。
- This was the first game in MLB history to end 15-13 in 11 or more innings (since 1918, anyway).
- 自1918年以來,MLB首度打了至少11局的比賽而最終是15-13的比數。
- Roy Halladay gave up eight runs, the most he had allowed since surrendering nine on May 5, 2007 against the Rangers.
- 好樂迪掉了八分責失,是2007年5月5日後的最高紀錄。
- This is the first time in Halladay's career that he's given up more than 6 runs to an NL team.
- 好樂迪首度讓國聯對手拿下超過6分。
- Halladay was working with a 6-0 lead when he gave up six runs in the fifth inning and then two more in the sixth. He was 107-0 in his career in starts in which he was given a four-run lead. The Phillies, though, let him off the hook by rallying in the seventh.
- 好樂迪領先四分的情況下是不敗的107勝。
- The Braves had 3 bases-loaded hits all year coming into last night. They had 3 bases-loaded hits in the 5th inning of last night's game... off Roy Halladay.
- 昨天賽前斧軍三次在滿壘時擊出安打,昨天的比賽第五局斧軍追加三支,通通都在打在好樂迪頭上。
- Brian McCann hit just the fourth grand slam ever given up by Halladay (Evan Longoria hit the last in 2008).
- 好樂迪生涯被轟的第四支滿貫砲,兇手是McCann(第三支是08年被龍哥打的)。
- The I Hit A Slam Off Roy Halladay Club: Evan Longoria, Alfonso Soriano, Andy Sheets, and now Brian McCann.
- 好樂迪大滿貫兇手:Andy Sheets, Alfonso Soriano, Evan Longoria, Brian McCann。
- That was the first homer allowed by Halladay in six starts this season.
- 好樂迪本季六次先發被打的第一支全壘打。
- Chipper Jones and Jason Giambi each hit game-ending home runs on Wednesday. It was the first day in major-league history on which two players age 40 or older hit walk-off homers.
- 便宜老大跟技安比,史上第一次有兩位40歲阿伯同一天各打出再見全壘打。
- Never before had two men, each with at least 400 career home runs to their credit, hit walk-off round-trippers on the same day.
- 承上,他們也是史上首度兩位各擁有生涯400發以上長球同日打出再見全壘打的球員。
- Jones’s walkoff was his first since May 17, 2006 against the Marlins. It was the eighth of his career.
- 便宜老大生涯第八發再見全壘打,上一發是06年5月17日,苦主是馬林魚的Randy Messenger。